Friday, June 12, 2009

Injuries and Immunizations

So sorry about the delay in posting any updates. Actually, I take that back, I’m really not sorry at all…I’m in Africa. But I do have a legit reason for not updating. Let me take you back to 4 days ago (some of you were lucky enough to get an email from me…I must love them more). About 2 hours after finding that by standing on a garden wall and holding our laptops over our heads we could catch wireless here on the compound I had a bit of an accident—shock and surprise I had an accident. I fell and severely sprained my ankle L It totally killed and generally sucks, but my fellow trainees and the PC staff have been super supportive. Dr J looked at and gave me a boot that I’ve been hobbling around in for the past few days and I went to the hospital for X-rays and thankfully no breaks! It’s looking pretty hideous these days with all the bruising and swelling but I plan on hobbling my way over to the internet café today.

We’ve mostly been doing trainings. We’re leaving really soon for our training villages, which is super exciting. Today we are going shopping for stuff we will need. And for those of you who are interested in the “series of shots” we have been getting, for me the shot count is 5 (some people had to get more!). We’re all pretty sore from the 2 we got yesterday though.

Anyways, I’m picking up the language faster than I thought I would. Our teachers (bo-‘m’e) are hilarious and very patient with us. We are on tea break right now. Note to Hannah: the guest speaker we just had works for World Vision! He is the finance manager here is Lesotho.

My computer battery is dying so I’m ending here. Write me letters!


  1. Eek! Although this is the most redundant advice ever: ice it! And we really really appreciated you standing on that garden wall. I can not wait to click-speak with you when you get back. So rad that you had a guest speaker from WV!

  2. lol, i have to admit, i giggled at the idea the irony of your broken ankle. forgive me. But because of that incredibly clever trick you taught me with making the periods bigger, i get to have time to message you rather than right another page of an essay. I looked up weather in lesotho, and it's surprisingly coldish. You think africa and you think of heat and everything but idk. Hope your enjoying your experiencess
